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Tina Bell: Day in the Life of Lockdown 3.0.

With Lockdown coming to an end, we’re taking a look back at how our Head of Support, Tina Bell, spent her day to day during lockdown 3.0.

"My days normally start around 3:30am. Now I know this is a ridiculous time to wake up, but I just don’t need a lot of sleep apparently! I get up and go downstairs, open the back door for the dogs, make a coffee and then settle down on the settee. Immediately the doggos snuggle right in and go back to sleep whilst I get the laptop and plan my days’ work whilst catching up on some TV.

Around 5:30am I head out on my morning walk to the local field, which is just over the road from me. It’s the dogs favourite place so I’m lucky I don’t have to actually get dressed! I just pull on my big coat, old Ugg boots and off I go! When I return the dogs have their breakfast and I head up for a shower and to get dressed. At 7:00am I make sure both of my sons are awake and do their breakfast. I take my 17-year-old to Sixth Form around 7:50am and my eldest goes off to work, so when I get home it’s nice and quiet, just me and the dogs.

Once back in the house, I make myself some breakfast and start the morning by replying to emails and messages on Facebook. This can take anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on what’s going on. Emails can be from head office, tech support, distributors, training, and I also do my phone calls. Some of these messages often require doing a technical support video and sending it to the nail tech that needs help, so this can take some time. I normally receive a call from Pure Nails’ MD, so I take notes and add to my work list whats required for me to do.

Lunch time I walk the dogs again and make some lunch for us all whilst I scroll through Facebook and check in on the Pure Nails Educators and Ambassadors.

The afternoon can go fast, but it is normally filled up with the following:

  • Testing and sourcing new products – this can get extremely busy if I don’t keep on top of it. I get sent products and tools from all over the world and this is on top of the products I have actually asked to test. I often send some to my testing team to help me out.
  • Creating YouTube and new product videos
  • Writing blogs or doing any work required by head office for Salon or Scratch Magazine
  • Designing nails for adverts/posters if a new release is coming up
  • Checking emails and messages during the day to stay on top of them and make any calls needed.

I leave to pick up my son Matt from school around 3:00pm. Once back in the house, I continue with work until around 5:00pm when I stop to walk the dogs and feed everyone- humans and animals!

After tea time I take some to catch up with the family and once they go to do their own thing, I often scroll through Facebook or Instagram to answer any questions or offer any advice. I will also do any emails that pop up if only a quick reply is needed.

I do Instagram lives twice a week with Pure Nails educator, Nicole Dowling. Before the live we have a catch-up meeting to discuss anything new or anything that’s happening with competitions.

Lockdown days have been pretty relaxed and planned out. As soon as we’re back in the salons this will all go to pot as I will be running my own salon and doing clients nails. My days are quite long and busy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love my job!"