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EasiBuild Instructions

Materials Needed

  • Sanitising Spray
  • Cuticle Pusher
  • Halo Elite Cuticle Nippers
  • Halo Prep & Scrub
  • Lint Free Wipes
  • Nail Tips or Nail Forms
  • Halo Gel Polish Base & Top Coat
  • Halo EasiBuild
  • Halo Citrus Crush Cuticle Feed
  • Halo Elite 180 Grit Nail File
  • Halo Elite Buffer 180/100
  • Plush Brush
  • Halo Smart Lamp*


Preparation of the Natural Nail

  1. Sanitise your hands and your clients’ hands.
  2. Remove any polish or gel polish.
  3. Push back the cuticles and remove any non-living tissue off the nail plate. Using Halo Elite Cuticle Nippers, carefully trim dead cuticles.
  4. File the natural nails with a 180-grit nail file.
  5. Gently etch the natural nail vertically from cuticle to free edge to remove the shine using a 180-grit file.
  6. Remove dust and scrub the nail with Halo Prep & Scrub and Halo Plush Brush.
  7. Apply Nail Tips or Forms if required.



  1.  Apply Halo Base Coat, avoid flooding the cuticle area and nail walls - cure for 30 seconds LED *
  2. Apply slick layer of EasiBuild to the nail following the Base Coat application. This will guide your building layer to the correct place on the nail bed. Do not cure this layer.
  3. Now apply a building layer directly on top of the slick layer. Concentrate on your apex and structure. If product flattens you can hold your hand upside down to help regain the apex. Cure for 30 seconds.
    Repeat Step 3 if you do not have required apex.
  4. Using a lint free wipe, remove sticky layer with Gel Wipe. 



Use the low heat setting on your Halo lamp to help avoid heat spikes!



  1. File the nails with a 180-grit file to refine the shape, length, and surface.
  2. Buff the nails with your Halo Elite Buffer 180-grit to smooth the nail.
  3. Remove dust with Halo Prep & Scrub and Halo Plush Brush.
  4. Apply Halo Gel Polish Base Coat, colour of choice and Halo Gel Polish Top Coat if required, or Halo Gel Polish Base and Top Coat if no colour is required.
  5. Cure for 30 seconds.
  6. Allow time to cool before applying Pure Nails Cuticle Feed.



  1. Remove bulk with 180 grit file until you almost hit the base coat.
  2. Place hands in a heated bowl of acetone for 10 minutes to remove excess EasiBuild and base coat. Alternatively, you can also use the foil wrapping method for removal.
  3. If product fails to remove, buff the nail further and replace hand into acetone.
  4. File the natural nail with your 180-grit Halo file and gently remove any debris with your 180-grit Halo Elite Buffer.
  5. Apply Halo Citrus Crush Cuticle Feed and massage in.


Please Note

* Cure times are based on a 48w Halo Smart Lamp